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Moleskine: The Legacy

Moleskine notebooks have become synonymous with timeless elegance and creative expression. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, these iconic notebooks have been a staple in the lives of writers, artists, thinkers, and dreamers for generations.


With their distinctive black covers, rounded corners, and acid-free paper, Moleskine notebooks are not just tools for jotting down thoughts but also cherished companions on journeys of imagination and discovery.

Moleskine Smart Writing

Moleskine Smart Writing mixes old-style notebooks with new technology. It helps you change your written notes into digital files. You just need to write with a special pen and use the Moleskine Notes app. Then, your handwritten stuff gets turned into digital notes that you can keep in the cloud. You can easily find them later, share them, or edit them on any device.

The Team

Anna, Clàudia, Faith, Pradeep Gulur

My Role

Research (User interviews & Competitive Analysis, Personas, Mid/High-Fidelity wireframes, UI Components, Prototyping, Visual design and Directing the Usability Testing

Design process

Discover: Project Brief and Research insights


Moleskine wants to explore the possibility of adding a killer new feature to their smart notebook line. Honoring the brand’s heritage of literary and visual creativity, how to enhance the experience of Moleskine users who might want to share - publicly or anonymously - their work?
What aspects of the ways Moleskine is used today - journaling, sketching, creative note-taking - could be made even better or more fulfilling?

User Research

Qualitative Research: A set of users were interview to understand what users need. Data points collected were grouped to find patterns. Below are the insights our team worked on.

  • Users require a method to convert their handwritten notes and sketches into digital format.

  • Organise their notes/sketches efficiently.

  • Users should be able to access and share their notes with ease.

Competitive Analysis
  • Feature Analysis was conducted with Notes taking and journaling apps like Good Notes, Paper, Ever Notes and Moleskine Notes.

  • Comparative Analysis was conducted with social media platforms of Huion, Behance and Moleskine (old platform)

(Minimum Viable Product)

Desirability, Viability, Feasibility, Ethical - Score

Post user interviews and competitive Analysis, we narrowed down on few possible features in our solution and did a DVF(e) scoring to determine the MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

Define: Persona, Archetypes

Old School - Journal Keeper

Emily, jots down her ideas and her life in her journal. She is rarely seen without her journal. She says, her journal is her best friend and a partner to her creativity.

Pain points:
  • At times she can't find her ideas when needed from her older journals.

  • Hard to carry her journals when needed to share or show her ideas to others.

  • Sharing her notes digitally is a challenge.

Tech Savvy - Early Adaptor

Anastasia embodies the spirit of modern creativity, constantly seeking inspiration from diverse mediums including pen and paper, collage, digital platforms, and anything else that sparks her imagination.

Pain points:
  • Organising her work is her biggest challenge

  • Assimilating all her works across different mediums & platforms

  • Access to her work from anywhere & anytime

Problem Statement

Users need a way to translate their work from physical to digital format so they can access, share and transfer their ideas easily

Our Unique Proposition
  • Enhance the digital experience of Moleskine

  • Leverage the hardware capabilities of iPad (Apple Pencil and camera).

  • Ability to add layers, apply colour to sketches and highlight notes within Moleskine notes.

  • Option to add screenshots of physical notes or art works to digital journal.

Crazy 8s and Concept Sketches

Design: Wireframes

Mid-Fidelity Wireframe
Low-Fidelity Wireframe (Version-1)
Usability Testing

With mid-fidelity wireframe users were given four tasks to complete and tested for the success rate and time take to complete.

  • Task-1: Create a 'New Page'

  • Task-2: Create a 'Note Book'

  • Task-3: Explore page types

  • Task-4: Explore different Input Types

Usability Testing Results
  • 100% success rate in the first 3 tasks

  • However, 75% of the user found toggling between input type confusing

Design Iterations Post Usability Testing
Visual Design
  • Colour Palette: A mood-board was created for the brand Moleskine with which a colour palette was deduced to resonate with the brand.

  • Typography: After thoughtful consideration, Montserrat was chosen as the font in the App.

  • Iconography: Icons were designed to represent the physical products.

  • Textures: Textures were incorporated to mimic the physical products of the Moleskine.

  • Illustration: Illustration was created for the home screen to show the essence of Moleskine

High-Fidelity Prototype
What's next?
  • More usability testing

  • Design iterations and improvements post-testing

  • Handover to the development team

Learnings from the project
  • Applied DVF Framework to prioritise the features

  • Planning the usability testing with right tasks and metrics to measure

  • Visual design: to match the digital experience with the physical product

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